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workers-at-mpchfl - Picture Box tower-one-workinprogress - Picture Box slab-workinprogress - Picture Box Slab-mpchfl-tower-one - Picture Box seven-slab-mpchfl - Picture Box mpchfl-workinprogress-t-one - Picture Box mpchfl-tower-one-foundation... - Picture Box mpchfl-tower-one-foundation... - Picture Box mpchfl-tower-1-construction... - Picture Box mpchfl-t-one-workinprogress - Picture Box mpchfl-galaxy-heights-t-one - Picture Box mpchfl-foundation-construction - Picture Box mpchfl-construction-workinp... - Picture Box mpchfl-construction-image-s... - Picture Box workers-at-mpchfl-tower-one... - Picture Box elevation-mpchfl-building - Picture Box elevation-slab-mpchfl-t-one... - Picture Box elevation-image-mpchfl-towe... - Picture Box elevation-construction-images - Picture Box construction-t-one-galaxy-h... - Picture Box construction-mpchfl-galaxy-... - Picture Box construction-lift-mpchfl-t-one - Picture Box construction-in-process-mpc... - Picture Box areial-tower-one-galaxy-hei... - Picture Box areial-slab-view-tower-one-... - Picture Box aerial-workinprogress - Picture Box